Page 177 - 2025AnnualCatalog
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          All tour prices include airfare from the guaranteed airports listed below. Additional cities, including flights
          from states not listed, may be available upon request. Additional fees may apply. For more information, please
          call 888-507-2826 and one of our friendly Tour Sales Consultants will be happy to assist.

          ALABAMA                    INDIANA                    MONTANA                    PENNSYLVANIA
          Birmingham                 Indianapolis, Evansville,   Billings, Bozeman,        Philadelphia, Allentown,
                                     Fort Wayne, South Bend     Missoula                   Harrisburg/Middleton,
          ARIZONA                                                                          Pittsburgh
          Phoenix                    IOWA                       NEBRASKA
                                     Des Moines,                Omaha                      SOUTH CAROLINA
          ARKANSAS                                                                         Charleston, Greenville/
          Little Rock, Fayetteville  Cedar Rapids               NEVADA                     Spartanburg
          CALIFORNIA                 KANSAS                     Las Vegas                  SOUTH DAKOTA
          Los Angeles, Orange        Wichita                    NEW JERSEY                 Sioux Falls, Rapid City
          County, San Diego,         KENTUCKY                   Newark
          San Francisco              Louisville, Lexington      NEW MEXICO                 TENNESSEE
          COLORADO                   LOUISIANA                  Albuquerque                Nashville, Knoxville,
          Denver                     New Orleans,               NEW YORK
          CONNECTICUT                Baton Rouge,               New York City,             TEXAS
                                                                                           Houston (IAH) George
          Hartford                   Lafayette, Shreveport      Albany, Buffalo,           Bush InterContinental
                                                                Rochester, Syracuse
          DISTRICT                   MARYLAND                                              Airport, Austin, Dallas/
          OF COLUMBIA                Baltimore                  NORTH CAROLINA             Ft. Worth, San Antonio
          Washington, D.C.                                      Charlotte,
                                     MASSACHUSETTS              Greensboro,                UTAH
          FLORIDA                    Boston                     Raleigh/Durham             Salt Lake City
          Miami, Fort Lauderdale,                                                          VIRGINIA
          Fort Myers, Jacksonville,   MICHIGAN                  NORTH DAKOTA               Norfolk, Richmond
          Orlando, Tallahassee,      Detroit, Grand Rapids,     Fargo, Bismarck,
          Tampa/St. Petersburg,      Saginaw                    Grand Forks                WASHINGTON
          West Palm Beach            MINNESOTA                  OHIO                       Seattle/Tacoma, Spokane
          GEORGIA                    Duluth,                    Cleveland,                 WEST VIRGINIA
          Atlanta                    Minneapolis/St. Paul       Cincinnati,                Charleston
                                                                Columbus, Dayton
          IDAHO                      MISSISSIPPI                                           WISCONSIN *
          Boise                      Jackson, Gulfport/Biloxi   OKLAHOMA                   Milwaukee, Appleton,
                                                                Oklahoma City, Tulsa       Green Bay, Madison
          ILLINOIS                   MISSOURI
          Chicago, Moline/           St. Louis, Kansas City,    OREGON                     *  Additional Ground Transportation

          Quad Cities                Springfield/Branson        Portland                    to MSP Airport Available from Eau Claire,
                                                                                            Menomonie, Baldwin, or Hudson
          Airport Departure Cities Departure cities are subject to change   Airfare, Taxes & Fuel Surcharges Included Tour prices are
          due to limited or discontinued airline service. The availability of   guaranteed and include airfare, federal taxes, airport security   Holiday Vacations shares the coverage available under
          airline seats may be limited from each departure city. Holiday   charges, airline segment fees, airport passenger facility charges,   the USTOA $1 Million Travelers Assistance Program with
          Vacations reserves the right to provide ground transportation to   and fuel surcharges, if applicable. International airfare also   affiliates of Xanterra Leisure Resort Holdings, who, as an
          or from a larger or alternate airport.  includes applicable airport fees and taxes assessed by individual   Active Member of the USTOA, is required to post $1 Million
                                              countries. Airline luggage fees are an additional charge and are   with USTOA to be used to reimburse, in accordance with
          Departure From Cities Not Listed You may request a departure   payable directly to the airlines at check in.  the terms and conditions of the USTOA $1 Million Travelers
          from a city not listed. Holiday Vacations’ air department will   Land Only Price You may request a land only price. If the tour   Assistance Program, the advance payments of Holiday
          determine the feasibility of your request and advise you of any   is purchased as land only, it will be your responsibility to meet   Vacations customers in the unlikely event of Holiday
          additional cost, if applicable.     the group at the arrival airport at the time designated by Holiday   Vacations bankruptcy, insolvency, or cessation of business.
                                              Vacations. If you prefer, you can join the tour at the fi rst night’s   Further, you should understand that the $1 Million posted
          Airline Seating Seat assignments are controlled by the airline.         by Xanterra Leisure Resort Holdings and shared among its
          We no longer solicit requests, and seating cannot be guaranteed   hotel. Taxi or other airport transfer costs are not included for   affiliates may be sufficient to provide only a partial
                                              independent arrival or departure.
          by Holiday Vacations.                                                   recovery of the advance payments received by Holiday
                                              TSA’s Secure Flight Program The requirement to collect your
          Award Miles Please be advised that some commercial airlines   date of birth, gender, and full name as it appears on the gov-  Vacations. More details of the USTOA Travelers Assistance
          offer reduced award miles to travelers booked on a group reser-  ernment issued photo identifi cation you will use on your tour is   Program and a list of affiliates may be obtained by writing
          vation. Holiday Vacations is happy to submit your frequent fl yer   federally mandated by the Transportation Security Administration.   to USTOA at 345 Seventh Avenue, Suite 1801, New York,
          number to the airlines, but makes no guarantee that full mileage   TSA’s privacy policy as well as additional details can be found at  New York 10001, or by email at
          will be awarded.           using the keywords "Secure Flight."  or by visiting their website at

                             ALASKA  TRAVEL  INDUSTRY
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