Page 72 - 2025AnnualCatalog
P. 72

Going-to-the-Sun Road     
                                                                                          G o i n g - t o - t h e- S u n  Ro a d  

        Glacier, Yellowstone & Grand Tetons                                                               

        10 DAYS | 15 MEALS | FROM $5,699 incl. AIRFARE  Leisurely Activity Level ●●○○○

           ATTRACTIONS & HIGHLIGHTS                           summit for bird’s-eye views of the stunning landscape.
                                                              We then check in to our overnight accommodations and
               »   Smokejumper          » Gates of the Mountains  have the evening at leisure. MEALS B+L
             Visitor Center            boat tour

                                                              1 night at Best Western Rocky Mountain Lodge in Whitefish
               »  Glacier National Park     »  Yellowstone National
             feat. Going-to-the-Sun    Park guided tour       Day 3: Going-to-the-Sun Road
             Road & lunch              feat. Old Faithful     This morning, we’re off to Glacier National Park, which
               »  Lewis & Clark National  & Hayden Valley     features over 20 glaciers and 200 lakes as standing
             Historic Trail             »  Grand Teton National  reminders of the last Ice Age. We board vintage Red
             Interpretive Center       Park feat. the Craig   Buses with roll-back tops for a journey on one of

               »  First Peoples Buffalo  Thomas Discovery     the world’s most scenic routes: Going-to-the-Sun
             Jump State Park           & Visitor Center and   Road. During our drive, learn about the park’s history
                                       the Chapel of the      from an expert guide, take in views of the towering
               »  Helena guided city   Transfiguration        mountains, and watch for a variety of wildlife, including
             tour feat. the Montana                           bighorn sheep, mountain goats, elk, and moose.
             State Capitol building     »  Cache Creek Canyon
                                       cookout                Afterwards, enjoy an included lunch in St. Mary Village
                                                              before we continue to Great Falls and check in to our
        Day 1: Fly to Montana                                 accommodations for the evening. MEALS B+L
        Upon arriving in Missoula, we check in to our comfortable   1 night in Great Falls, MT
        accommodations and enjoy a relaxing evening.
                                                              Day 4: Lewis & Clark Discoveries
        1 night at Holiday Inn Downtown Missoula
                                                              Today’s adventure starts with reliving the brave journey
        Day 2: Whitefish                                      of two famous explorers at the Lewis and Clark National
        Our day begins with a visit to Smokejumper Visitor    Historic Trail Interpretive Center. Overlooking the beautiful
        Center, the largest smokejumper base in the country.   Missouri River, this center includes exhibits, artifacts,
        Enjoy a tour of the jump base, ready room, national   films, and a two-story diorama. After an included lunch, we
        memorial, loft, and lookout tower while learning more   visit First Peoples Buffalo Jump State Park, a fascinating
        about this crucial occupation. Afterwards, we travel   archaeological site and presumably the largest bison cliff
        north to Whitefish, viewing some of the most spectacular   jump in North America. Explore the visitor center to learn
        scenery in Montana’s Big Sky Country. Along the way, we   about the rich history of these lands and enjoy views of
        break for a delicious Welcome Lunch in Polson and take   the Rocky Mountain Front and Missouri River Valley. Later,
        in amazing vistas of Flathead Lake and the surrounding   we check in to our hotel in Helena, Montana’s capital and
        Flathead National Forest. Arriving in Whitefish, we stop at   heart of the Big Sky State. MEALS B+L
        a nearby mountain resort for a scenic gondola ride to the   2 nights in Helena, MT

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